
Monday 8 May 2017

Triennial Exhibition: April 2017

A huge thank you to all students, alumni, faculty, and volunteers, whose efforts have made the Angel Academy of Art's 2017 Triennial Exhibition such a success!

The show ran from the 28th to the 30th of April, featuring work from students, faculty, and alumni featuring everything from exceptional Bargue drawings to advanced figure work, still life, and portraiture. 

Please enjoy these pictures of opening night by student, Tulasi Zimmer, who volunteered to photograph the event! Thank you, Tulasi!

Congratulations to all who made work and helped make the show a reality, and thank you to all friends and family who made it to the show to support the school!!

Students, Glenn Kirby and Tanya Wischerath, enjoy and discuss the Still Life wall 

Santana Paleske and her perishables 

Portrait by Ashish Patel

Figure painting by Davide Barbini

Closer view of Santana Paleske's still life

Figure Drawing by Toko Suzuki